Ken Microbes Biotech

Ekstrak Pyrethrum (菊能量)

Active Ingredients (活性成分):

Natural Pyrethrum Extract | 天然除虫菊提取物

Function (功能)

A natural plant-based insecticide (Pyrethrum) from the Asteraceae plant. It has has contact killing effect, gastric poisoning and repellent effects, and its insecticidal spectrum is very broad. 菊科植物除虫菊的天然植物源杀虫活性物质。具有触杀、胃毒和驱避作用,对害虫击倒力快速,杀虫谱广。
Can be used to control cabbage worms, leaf miners, leaf beetles, mosquitoes, red ants, etc. 有效控制菜青虫、潜叶蝇、甲虫、蚊虫、红蚂蚁等

Usage Instruction (使用说明)

Dilution Ratio / 稀释比例:

400-500, its effectiveness will increase when used with other insecticides. 400-500 比例稀释,配合其他杀虫药使用效果增倍。
The knockdown effect on pests is fast, but it is also easy to decompose. It is recommended to use it with other slow-acting insecticides such as neem oil, microbial agents, etc. 对害虫击倒力快速,但也容易分解,建议配合其他缓性的杀虫剂使用:如苦楝油,微生物菌剂等。

Precautions (注意事项)

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Pyrethrum extract is easily decomposed when exposed to light, and the best time to spray is in the evening. 除虫菊素见光易分解,喷洒时间最好选在傍晚进行。
Pyrethrum is also toxic and numbing to centipedes, fish, frogs, snakes and other animals, but it is harmless to humans and animals. 除虫菊对蜈蚣、鱼、蛙、蛇等动物也有毒麻作用,但对人畜无害。
When spraying, the medicine must be exposed to the insect body to be effective. 施药时药剂一定要接触虫体才有效,否则效果不好。

Protection Against (防护)

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Pelombong Daun 潜叶蝇
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Beetle 甲虫
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Small Cabbage White 菜青虫
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Whiteflies 白粉虱

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