Ken Microbes Biotech

Bacillus-Care (复合芽孢杆菌)

Active Ingredients (活性成分):

Spores of various types of Bacillus sp 2×10^10 cfu/g | 多种芽孢杆菌菌群 2×10^10孢子/克

Function (功能)

Treats root diseases such as bacterial rot, Fusarium wilt, Phytium, and Phytophthora, etc. It also has a good treatment effect on leaf diseases. It becomes the dominant microbe in the roots for disease prevention, nitrogen fixation, phosphorus & potassium decomposition. Improves soil structure effectively. 治疗根部病害,如细菌腐烂、枯萎病、疫霉和根腐病等。对叶部病害也有良好的治疗效果。成为根系中占主导地位的微生物,以防病、固氮、解磷解钾。有效改善土壤结构。

Usage Instruction (使用说明)

Leaf spray / 叶面喷洒:

1kg : 600-1000 litres of water (depending on the conditions, the dosage can be increased in severe cases), use every 7-10 days for treatment, every 15-30 days for prevention. 1公斤: 600-1000升水(视病情而定,严重者可增加用量),每7-10天使用一次,每15-30天使用一次。

Irrigation/fertigation / 土壤灌根:

1-2 kg/acre, apply once a month. 1-2 公斤/英亩,每月使用一次。
Polybag: 1kg to 5000-7000 polybags, apply according to condition. 7-10 days once for treatment. 15-30 days once for prevention. 胶袋:每5000-7000个胶袋用量1kg,视病情使用,治疗期7-10天一次,预防期15-30天一次。
Bacillus Care

Precautions (注意事项)

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Can be used together with other biological pesticides/chemical insecticides to enhance control effects. 可与其他生物农药/化学杀虫剂一起使用以增强控制效果。
Do not mix with strong alkaline or bactericidal insecticides to avoid killing the bacillus. 请勿与强碱性或杀菌剂混合使用,以免杀死芽孢杆菌。
Recommended for use in the early stages of the disease. 建议在无病/疾病早期阶段使用。

Protection Against (防护)

Root Rot
Root Rot 软腐病
Wilt Blight
Wilt Blight 枯萎病
Bacterial Wilt
Bacterial Wilt 青枯病

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