Ken Microbes Biotech

Bio F1 (抗病专家)

Active Ingredients (活性成分):

Trichoderma sp | 木霉属
Bacillus sp | 芽孢杆菌属

Function (功能)

Biocontrol agent containing a variety of beneficial microbes. Protects the root system of trees against diseases from soil pathogens. 含有多种有益微生物的生物防治剂。保护树木根系免受土壤病原体的疾病侵害。
Broad control for various diseases such as: Fusarium, Sclerotium, Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora. 广泛控制各种病害,如镰刀菌、硬皮菌、丝核菌、疫霉菌。

Usage Instruction (使用说明)

Dosage can be adjusted around following conditions of crops. 可根据作物的下列情况调整用量。

Foliar / 叶面喷洒:

1kg : 1000 liters of water every 5-7 days. 1公斤:兑1000升水,每5-7天喷洒一次。

Polybags / 育苗袋:

1kg : 1000-2000 litres of water to be used as fertigation for 5000-6000 polybags. 1公斤:1000-2000升水用于5000个塑料袋的灌溉施肥。
Bio F1

Precautions (注意事项)

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Early prevention is needed. Higher dosage, better effect, and will not affect the crop. 需要及早预防。剂量越高,效果越好,并且不会影响作物。
Suitable for use in the morning or evening. 适合在早晨或傍晚使用。
Avoid use with chemical fungicides/pesticides. 避免与化学杀菌剂/农药混用。
Must be used finish after dilution with water. 使用前必须用水稀释。

Protection Against (防护)

Banana Panama Disease
Banana Panama Disease 黄叶病
Downy Mildew
Downey Mildew Disease 露菌病
Fusarium Wilt
Fusarium 镰刀菌
Rhizoctonia Solani
Rhizoctonia Solani 立枯丝核菌

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