Ken Microbes Biotech

Combobac 3

Active Ingredients (活性成分):

NPK = 666
Organic Matter | 有机物
Humic Acid | 腐植酸
NPK Bacteria | NPK 细菌

Function (功能)

Improve soil quality, absorb organic matter effectively. Increase production yield, supply various nutrients to prepare for plants. 改善土壤质量,有效吸收有机质。提高产量,供给各种养分,为植物生长做好准备。
Increase fertilizer utilization rate, contains beneficial bacteria such as Nitrogen Fixer, Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria, and Potassium Solubilizing Bacteria. 提高肥料利用率,含有固氮剂、解磷菌、解钾菌等有益菌。

Usage Instruction (使用说明)

2kg-5kg for big trees, 500g-2kg for small trees, sow around the roots. 大树 2kg-5kg,小树 500g-2kg,撒在根部周围。
Combobac 3

Precautions (注意事项)

Clipboard BlueAsset 2
Recommended to be used consistently to get good results. 建议持续使用以获得良好效果。

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