Ken Microbes Biotech

Fabaceae Extract (豆根藤素)

Active Ingredients (活性成分):

Natural Fabaceae Extract | 豆根藤

Function (功能)

Fabaceae are active ingredients of insecticides that is derived from natural plants. It also has a killing, weeding and repelling effect, and has a quick knockdown against pests. A fast plant-based insecticide. 豆科关天然植物源杀虫活性物质。另有能杀,问子和驱避作用,对害虫击倒力快速,杀虫语厂。
Effective in controlling fleas, thrips, leafhoppers, etc. 有效控制跳蚤、蓟马、叶蝉、等。

Usage Instruction (使用说明)

Dilution Ratio / 稀释比例:

400-500, its effectiveness will increase when used with other insecticides. 400-500 比例稀释,配合其他杀虫药使用效果增倍。
This product is recommended to be mixed with Neem Oil and products containing microbes. 鼓励该产品与印楝油和含有微生物的产品混合。

Precautions (注意事项)

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Avoid spraying on hot days. 尽量避免在大日天喷洒。
Must be sprayed in contact with insect to be effective. 必须将喷雾剂喷在昆虫上才能获得良好效果。
It is toxic to fish, frogs, snakes and other small animals, but it is harmless to humans. 对鱼、蛙、蛇和小动物有毒,但对人类无毒。

Protection Against (防护)

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Hamama 红蜘蛛
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Aphid 蚜虫
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Algae 青苔
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Whiteflies 白粉虱

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