Ken Microbes Biotech


Active Ingredients (活性成分):

Potassium Soluble | 可溶钾
Fulvic acids | 黄腐酸
Amino acids | 氨基酸

Function (功能)

Improves internal and external quality of specific crops with high K requirements for a balanced supply of micronutrients. It also increases disease resistance and flowering. 提高钾需求量高的特定作物的内部和外部质量,以实现微量营养素的均衡供应。它还可以提高疾病和花卉的抗性。

Usage Instruction (使用说明)

1L in 1000L of water is used foliarly, most effectively used during flowering. 1000L 水中的 1L 用于叶面喷施,在开花时使用最有效
Fulmino K

Precautions (注意事项)

Clipboard BlueAsset 2
Recommended to mix with other foliar. 鼓励与其他叶面混合
Best used in the morning or evening. 最好在早上或晚上使用
Shake the product before use, and use it all up after diluting with water. 使用前请摇匀,用水稀释后使用
Can be mixed with chemical fungicides and pesticides. 可以与化学杀菌剂和杀虫剂混合

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