Ken Microbes Biotech

Garlic Oil Extract (农用大蒜油)

Active Ingredients (活性成分):

Garlic Extract | 大蒜油

Function (功能)

Can repel thrips, whitefly, aphids, red spiders, termites, etc. Has the ability to kill insects directly in high concentrations. 能驱赶葡萄白、白粉虱、蚜虫、红蜘蛛、白蚁等,也有一定的触杀作用。
Garlic oil has good antibacterial effects, which can inhibit bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc. It can also inhibit the growth of moss (algae) 大蒜油有不错的抗菌作用,可抑制细菌性病菌、霉菌、病毒等。对青苔也有抑制作用

Usage Instruction (使用说明)

As insect repellent/insecticide / 驱虫/杀虫:

It can be diluted and used at a ratio of 1L:1000-2000 litres of water, and the effect will be doubled when used with other insecticides. 可以使用1L:1000-2000升水比例稀释,配合其他杀虫药使用效果增倍。

Moss inhibition / 抑制青苔:

1L:500 litres of water, for spraying ratio on moss. 1L:500 公升水,用于苔藓喷洒比例。

Leaf disease treatment / 抑制叶面病害:

1L:1000-1500 litres of water spray on leaves. 1L:1000-1500升水喷洒在叶子上。
Garlic Oil

Precautions (注意事项)

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Avoid spraying on hot days. 尽量避免在大日天喷洒。
Used together with organic egg-killing drugs such as neem oil extract. The effect will be doubled. 配合杀卵剂如苦楝油使用。效果增倍。
Garlic oil is corrosive and may be sensitive to certain plants. It is recommended to conduct a small-scale plant compatibility test before using it on a large scale. 大蒜油具有腐蚀性,对某些作物可能比较敏感,建议先开展小范围的作物安全性试验,才大幅使用。

Protection Against (防护)

Red Spider Mites
Red Spider Mites 红蜘蛛
Thrips 牧草虫
Algae on tree 青苔
Whiteflies 白粉虱

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