Ken Microbes Biotech


Active Ingredients (活性成分):

Tea Saponins | 多种茶素精华提取

Function (功能)

It has a repellent and ‘antifeeding’ effect, can kill and dehydrate the body of mollusk-type insects (snails, apple snails, snails), and nematodes if the body is touched. 具有忌避及拒食作用,能直接对软体动物(蜗牛,福寿螺,蛞蝓)触杀和造成脫水。 土壤浇灌能防治土壤线虫。

Usage Instruction (使用说明)

Mollusca Insect / 软体动物:

1kg: 2000 litres of water, kills on contact 1公斤: 2000 升水,接触即死。

Soil Nematode Treatment(Irrigation/Fertigation) / 土壤线虫处理(灌溉/水肥一体化):

1-2 kg/acre once a month. 每月一次,1-2 公斤/英亩。
Greeno Care

Precautions (注意事项)

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Small scale trial is recommended to observe the usage and concentration, before moving to large scale. 注意使用浓度和施用方法。小范围试用。
This product is toxic to earthworms and fish. Avoid using it in water source areas, fish breeding areas or continuous use. 本产品对蚯蚓及鱼类具有毒性,请避免使用于水源区,鱼类养殖区或连续使用。
Recommended to use together with Nemacardo for better effect. 建议配合 Nemacardo (线虫净)一起使用效果会更理想。

Protection Against (防护)

Apple Snail
Apple Snails 福寿螺
Snails 蜗牛
Slug scaled
Slug 鼻涕虫
Nematode 土壤线虫

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