Ken Microbes Biotech

Iron Reducing Bacteria (降铁复合菌)

Active Ingredients (活性成分):

Iron Reducing Bacteria | 铁还原菌

Function (功能)

Reduces iron and heavy metal content in pond water. 消化池水中的废污垢,去除水中的氨和有毒硫化氢,防止藻类过度生长。

Usage Instruction (使用说明)

Mud pond / 鱼池(泥塘):

200-400g per acre, every 7-14 days. 每亩 200-400 克,每 7-14 天施一次。

Cement pond / 鱼池(水泥池):

3-10 ppm, depending on conditions. 根据具体情况,每 3-10ppm。
Iron Reducing Bacteria

Precautions (注意事项)

Clipboard BlueAsset 2
Should not be used with poisons or disinfectants to avoid killing bacteria. 请勿与毒药或消毒剂同时使用,以免杀死细菌。
Recommended to be used consistently to get good results. 建议持续使用以获得良好效果。
Non-toxic to humans. 对人体无毒。

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