Function (功能)
A plant booster containing pure Gibberelic Acids (GA3). It significantly affects stem elongation, germination, flower production, enzyme production and leaf and fruit maturation. 含有纯赤霉酸(GA3)的植物增强剂。它显着影响茎伸长、发芽、开花、酶的产生以及叶和果实的成熟。Usage Instruction (使用说明)
Paddy, Corn / 大米、玉米:
20 Liters of Water: 7.5g – 10g 1st Spraying time / 第一次喷涂时间: Flowering period / 花形成时间 2nd Spraying time / 第二次喷涂时间: Once every two weeks / 每两周一次Mango, Papaya / 芒果、木瓜:
20 Liters of Water: 7.5g – 10g 1st Spraying time / 第一次喷涂时间: Early stage of flowering / 开花初期 2nd Spraying time / 第二次喷涂时间: Once every two weeks / 每两周一次Chili, Brinjal, Long beans / 辣椒、茄子、长豆:
20 Liters of Water: 10g – 15g 1st Spraying time / 第一次喷涂时间: 7 days after fruiting / 果实形成后7天 2nd Spraying time / 第二次喷涂时间: Once every two weeks / 每两周一次Durian and Cocoa / 榴莲和可可:
20 Liters of Water: 15g – 20g 1st Spraying time / 第一次喷涂时间: Early stage of flowering / 开花初期 2nd Spraying time / 第二次喷涂时间: Once every two weeks / 每两周一次Watermelon and Cucumber / 西瓜和黄瓜:
20 Liters of Water: 10g – 20g 1st Spraying time / 第一次喷涂时间: 10g when 2 leaves appear / 2片叶子长出时 10克 2nd Spraying time / 第二次喷涂时间: 20g when fruit is golfball-sized / 当果实有高尔夫球大小时 为20克Precautions (注意事项)
Cannot be mixed with alkaline poisons.
Good effect when fertilizer and water supply are sufficient. Cannot replace fertilizer.