Ken Microbes Biotech

KMB WhiteCal (植奶钙)

Active Ingredients (活性成分):

Calcium Oxide 500g/L | 碳酸化物质
Magnesium+Boron > 3% | 溶解腐植酸盐物质

Function (功能)

Reduces leaf necrosis rate, increases fruit and leaf hardness. It is also stable and does not interact with other micro elements. 降低叶片坏死率,增加果实、叶片硬度。它也很稳定,不与其他微量元素相互作用。
Advanced suspending agent technology prevents stratification, sedimentation and quality changes, with excellent miscibility compatible with weakly acidic & alkaline pesticides/fertilizers. 先进的悬浮剂技术可防止分层、沉降和品质变化,与弱酸性和碱性农药/肥料具有良好的混溶性。

Usage Instruction (使用说明)

1L in 1000L of water is used foliarly every 7-10 days. 每7-10 天用 1L 加入 1000L 水中进行叶面喷施

Precautions (注意事项)

Clipboard BlueAsset 2
Recommended to mix with other foliar. 鼓励与其他叶面混合
Best used in the morning or evening. 最好在早上或晚上使用
Shake the product before use, and use it all up after diluting with water. 使用前请摇匀,用水稀释后使用

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