Ken Microbes Biotech

Mega Floral Booster (复合肠道有益菌)

Active Ingredients (活性成分):

Bacillus Natto | 纳豆芽孢杆菌
Lactobacillus | 乳酸菌

Function (功能)

Healthy intestinal digestive system of animals, reduces ammonia release in animal feces, and increases animal immunity. 健康动物消化系统,减少动物粪便中氨的释放,提高动物抵抗力。

Usage Instruction (使用说明)

Food / 食品用:

200g in one ton of food. 一吨食品含 200 克。

Drinking / 饮用:

100g in 100 gallons of water. 100 加仑水中含 100 克。
Mega Floral Booster

Precautions (注意事项)

Clipboard BlueAsset 2
Can be used together with other products that are beneficial for animal gastrointestinal health. 可与其他有益于动物肠道健康的产品一起使用。
Should not be used with poisons or disinfectants to avoid killing bacteria. 请勿与毒药或消毒剂同时使用,以免杀死细菌。
Recommended to be used consistently to get good results. 建议持续使用以获得良好效果。

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