Ken Microbes Biotech

Neem Oil Extract (农用苦楝油)

Active Ingredients (活性成分):

Neem Oil Extract | 苦楝油

Function (功能)

Blocks the insect’s air pores, causing a lack of oxygen. Insects do not like the smell and will not eat the leaves that have been touched with Neem Oil Extract. If eaten by insects, it will restrict the insect’s growth, and eventually cause death or infertility. 阻塞昆虫的气孔,导致缺氧。 昆虫不喜欢这种气味,不会吃过涂抹有印楝油的叶子。 如果昆虫吃了它,将会抑制其生长,最终导致死亡或不育。
Broad spectrum insecticide: spider mites, aphids, thrips, leaf miners, loop moths, mealy scale insects, etc. It also has the ability to destroy insect eggs. 广谱杀虫剂:红蜘蛛,蚜虫,蓟马,潜叶虫,环绕蛾,粉介壳虫等。 也具有破坏昆虫卵的能力。

Usage Instruction (使用说明)

Dilution ratio / 比例稀释:

500-700, double the effect when used with other insecticides. 500-700,配合其他杀虫药使用效果增倍。
Neem Oil

Precautions (注意事项)

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Avoid spraying on hot days 尽量避免在大日天喷洒。
Neem oil is a pesticide that does not act as quickly as other chemical pesticides, so it is best to use it in the early stages with other pesticides, spray every 7 days, 3 consecutive weeks for best effect. 苦楝油是慢性杀虫剂,宜早用并搭配其他杀虫剂,七天喷一次,连续三周效果佳。
Spray on leaves (front and back). 叶面喷酒(前面+背面)

Protection Against (防护)

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Serangga Berskala 介壳虫
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Aphid 蚜虫
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Small Cabbage White 菜青虫
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Whiteflies 白粉虱

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