Ken Microbes Biotech


Active Ingredients (活性成分):

Paecilomyces lilacinus | 淡紫拟青霉
Actinomycetes 1×10^10cfu/g | 放线菌 1×10^10cfu孢子/克

Function (功能)

Endoparasitic fungi, is the natural enemies of plant parasitic nematode control. It can parasitize eggs and infect larvae and females, and can significantly reduce plant nematode damage such as root-knot nematode, cyst nematode, and stem nematode in various crops. 内寄生性真菌,植物寄生虫的重要天敌,能够寄生于卵,也能侵染幼虫和雌虫,可明显减轻多种作物根结线 虫、胞囊线虫、茎线虫等植物线虫病的危害。

Usage Instruction (使用说明)

Seedling planting / 育苗 :

Use 50g of Nemacardo/m² and mix with the seedling planting substrate before use. 每平方米用50克菌剂与育苗基质混匀后施用。

Spreading / 撒施:

Dose 2-3kg/acre, mixed with fine soil, organic fertilizer or other fertilizers. In areas where the root knot nematode is heavily attacked, increase the dose by the appropriate amount for the first application. 每英亩用量为 2-3 公斤,混拌细土、有机把或其他肥料一起用,根结线虫发生严重地区,首次施用适量 提高用量。

Root Dipping / 蘸根:

Before transplanting, mix Nemacardo with fine soil and make a thin paste with water to dip the roots. 移栽前,将菌剂与细土混合后用水调成稀糊状蘸根使用。

Fertigation drip irrigation / 滴灌:

1-2 kg/acre, according to water consumption per acre. It is recommended to use water-soluble Nemcardo for microspraying. 一英亩地 1-2公斤,根据每亩用水量随水使用。微喷建议选用水溶型菌剂。

Precautions (注意事项)

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For soils with poor air permeability, physical loosening should be done in time before use. 对于透气性不好的土壤,使用前要及时进行物理松土。
For acidic and alkaline soil, it is necessary to adjust it in time, and best to adjust the soil pH value between 6-8. 对于酸化、碱化的土壤要及时进行调节,最好将土壤PH值调节至6-8 之间。

Protection Against (防护)

Nematode 土壤线虫

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