Pest Control Orius are effective predators of thrips and also target aphids, whiteflies, mites, small caterpillars, and eggs.Pollination Contribute indirectly by feeding on pollen.
Crops Used in greenhouse and open-filed vegetables and ornamentals, especially where pesticides are limited.
Usage Instruction
Dose Rate
Preventive: 1-3 ind./m², Sensitive Areas (infestation history), 2-4 releases Low curative: 6-10 ind./m², Small hotspots, 1-3 releases High curative: 10-20 ind./m², Large hotspots, 1-3 releasesRelease Moment
Preventive releases: In pollen-bearing crops as soon as the first flowers are open. Curative applications: Directly on hotspots and infested areas. These curative releases can occur in non-pollen-bearing crops as a matter of spot treatment.Storage
Use immediately upon receipt. If not possible, the product can be briefly stored at 10-15°C (50-59°F) and RH > 85%. Kindly always respect the use-by-date to preserve its effectiveness.
Protection Against
Thrips (Main Target)
Spider Mites
Moth Eggs
Lygus Nymphs Crops
Vegetable Crops
Ornamental Crops
Soft Fruits
Shrub Nursery