Ken Microbes Biotech

Palm Care (土医生)

Active Ingredients (活性成分):

Trace elements EDTA | EDTA 微量元素
Phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria | 溶磷菌
Water retention factors | 保水因子

Function (功能)

Solve the problem of tree nutrient deficiency, soil hardness problem, soil acidity problem, and root disease problem. 解决树木养分缺乏问题、土壤硬度问题、土壤酸性问题、根部病害问题。
Contains EDTA chelated micro-element fertilizer, stable quality, high absorption. It is very suitable for soil that is deteriorating and lacking in micro elements. 含有 EDTA 螯合微量元素肥料,质量稳定,吸收率高。非常适合恶化、缺乏微量元素的土壤。
Improves the soil aggregate structure system, loosens soil density, and improves the respiratory function of plant roots. 改善土壤团粒结构体系,疏松土壤密度,提高植物根系的呼吸功能。

Usage Instruction (使用说明)

Scoop weighing 50g, sprayed on an area of 3 feet from the tree trunk. Once every month. 重 50 克的勺子,喷洒在距树干3英尺的区域。每个月一次。
Palm Care

Precautions (注意事项)

Clipboard BlueAsset 2
This product is not suitable for foliar use. 本产品不适合叶面施用。
Make sure to use it in the right way for good results. 除虫菊对蜈蚣、鱼、蛙、蛇等动物也有毒麻作用,但对人畜无害。
Recommended to use consistently to get good results. 建议持续使用以获得良好效果。

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