Ken Microbes Biotech

PEST GUARD 4 (绿僵菌群)

Active Ingredients (活性成分):

Metarhizium anisopliae 1×10^10cfu spore /g | 绿僵菌 1×10^10cfu孢子/克

Function (功能)

This is a fungal insecticide, which germinates into pests with spores, multiplying and forming toxins in the body, resulting in the death of the pest. 真菌杀虫剂,以孢子发芽侵入害虫体内,并在体内繁殖和形成毒素,导致害虫死亡。
Controls underground pests such as grubs, mites, beetles and thrips (underground pupal stage). 防治蛴螬、地老虎等地下害虫,黄条跳甲(地下蛹)、蓟马(地下蛹)。

Usage Instruction (使用说明)

Foliar spray / 叶面喷洒:

1kg:800-1000 litres of water (7-10 days once) 1公斤: 800-1000升水(7-10天一次)
Mix 2kg/acre with fine soil or organic fertilizer, spread evenly. 拌细土或有机肥2公斤/英亩,均匀撒施后整理土地。

Irrigation/fertigation / 土壤灌根:

1-2 kg/acre, apply once a month. 1-2 公斤/英亩,每月使用一次。
Pest Guard 4

Precautions (注意事项)

Clipboard BlueAsset 2
Can be used with other biological pesticides to increase effectives. 可配合其它生物农药使用,加速杀虫速度。
Early prevention and treatment are required. Higher doses will produce better results and will not affect the crop. 需要早期防治。用量更高,效果更理想,也不会影响作物。
Avoid mixing with other antibiotics/disinfectants that may affect the effect of the product. 不可混合杀菌剂使用,以免益菌被杀死。
The infection cycle is 4-7 days. It is a slow-acting insecticide, early preventive use is required. 一个侵染周期4-7天。是种缓性的杀虫剂,所以需要早期,预防性的使用。

Protection Against (防护)

Striped Flea Beetle
Striped Flea Beetles 条纹跳甲虫
Longhorn Beetle
Longhorn Beetles 长角甲虫
Soil Pest
Soil Pest 土壤害虫

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