Ken Microbes Biotech

Premium Booster Plus (农用抗菌肽)

Active Ingredients (活性成分):

Antimicrobial peptide | 抗菌肽

Function (功能)

Has a fast and effective antibacterial effect. Antimicrobial peptide from beneficial microbial fermentation. No residue, no pollution. 抗菌肽, 来于有益微生物发酵产物, 无残留, 无公害。有抑制坏菌作用。抗菌作用非常快速。
Broad control of various diseases such as: Powdery mildew, Anthracnose, Root rot, Rust disease, Gray mold. 广谱抗菌剂: 白粉病, 炭疽病, 根腐病, 锈病, 灰霉病等

Usage Instruction (使用说明)

Leaf Spray / 叶面喷洒:

Prevention / 预防: 1kg: 1000 litres of water, use every 10-15 days. 1公斤:1000升水,每10-15天使用一次。
Treatment / 治疗方式: 1kg to 500-700 litres of water, use every 5-7 days. 每5-7天使用1kg到500-700升水。
Use according to the condition of the disease on plants. 根据植物患病情况使用。

Root spray / 根部喷洒:

20-30 : 20 litres of water then drench until the soil is moist. 20-30:20 升水,然后浸透直至土壤湿润。
Premium Booster Plus

Precautions (注意事项)

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Can be used in combination with chemical fungicides or other disinfectants to enhance the effect. 可以复配其他杀菌剂或消毒剂使用, 效果增强.
Avoid using with beneficial microbes. 避免和有益微生物混合使用.
Cannot be mixed or used together with alkaline pesticides. 不能与碱性农药混用, 混放.

Protection Against (防护)

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Rust Disease 锈病
Botrytis 灰霉病
Anthracnose 炭疽病
Powdery Mildew
Powdery Mildew 白粉病
Downy Mildew
Downey Disease 霉菌病

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