Ken Microbes Biotech

Seaweed Extract (海草精华)

Active Ingredients (活性成分):

High-quality seaweed extract | 高海藻提取物

Function (功能)

Contains organic bioactive compounds that can stimulate various plants. Works to increase the size of fruits, speed up the process of fruit production, increase root growth and increase the rate of flower formation. 含有能刺激多种植物的有机生物活性化合物。致力于增加果实的大小,加速果实生产的过程,增加根的生长并提高花朵的形成率。

Usage Instruction (使用说明)

Use 1L in 1000L of water foliarly every 5-7 days or according to the needs of the plant. 每 5-7 天或根据植物需要,将L 加入 1000L 水中进行叶面喷施。
Seaweed Extract 1L

Precautions (注意事项)

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Recommended to mix with other foliar. 鼓励与其他叶面混合。
Best used in the morning or evening. 最好在早上或晚上使用。
Shake the product before use, and use it all up after diluting with water. 使用前请摇匀,用水稀释后使用。
Can be mixed with chemical fungicides and pesticides. 可以与化学杀菌剂和杀虫剂混合。

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