Function (功能)
Important for avoiding and reducing leaf necrosis, root bruising, fungal attacks, weak tree trunks and stunted growth. It will usually be used more during flowering and fruiting periods. Also increases the hardness of the fruit skin. 避免和减少叶子坏死、根部瘀伤、真菌侵袭、树干脆弱和生长发育不良非常重要。一般在开花、结果期间使用较多。还能增加果皮的硬度。Usage Instruction (使用说明)
Use 1L in 1000L of water foliarly every 5-7 days or according to the needs of the plant.
每 5-7 天或根据植物需要,将L 加入 1000L 水中进行叶面喷施。
Precautions (注意事项)
Recommended to mix with other foliar.
Best used in the morning or evening.
Shake the product before use, and use it all up after diluting with water.
Can be mixed with chemical fungicides and pesticides.