Ken Microbes Biotech

Tricho-Care (复合木霉菌)

Active Ingredients (活性成分):

Trichorma viride 5 x 10^9 cfu/g | 哈兹木霉菌 5×10^9 孢子/克
Trichoderma harzianum 5×10^9 cfu/g | 绿色木霉菌 5×10^9 孢子/克

Function (功能)

Treats root diseases such as bacterial rot, Fusarium wilt, Phytium, and Phytophthora, etc. It also has a good treatment effect on leaf diseases. It becomes the dominant microbe in the roots for disease prevention, nitrogen fixation, phosphorus & potassium decomposition. Improves soil structure effectively. 治疗根部病害,如细菌腐烂、枯萎病、疫霉和根腐病等。对叶部病害也有良好的治疗效果。成为根系中占主导地位的微生物,以防病、固氮、解磷解钾。有效改善土壤结构。

Usage Instruction (使用说明)

Leaf spray / 叶面喷洒:

1kg : 600-1000 litres of water (depending on the conditions, the dosage can be increased in severe cases), use every 7-10 days for treatment, every 15-30 days for prevention. 1公斤: 600-1000升水(视病情而定,严重者可增加用量),每7-10天使用一次,每15-30天使用一次。

Irrigation/fertigation / 土壤灌根:

1-2 kg/acre, apply once a month. 1-2 公斤/英亩,每月使用一次。
Polybag: 1kg to 5000-7000 polybags, apply according to condition. 7-10 days once for treatment. 15-30 days once for prevention. 胶袋:每5000-7000个胶袋用量1kg,视病情使用,治疗期7-10天一次,预防期15-30天一次。
Tricho Care

Precautions (注意事项)

Clipboard BlueAsset 2
Do not use with fungicides or disinfectants to avoid killing trichoderma. 请勿与杀菌剂或消毒剂同时使用,以免杀死三孢菌。
Avoid use at high temperatures so that fungal activity is not affected. 避免在高温下使用,以免影响真菌活性。
The higher the humidity, the better the effect. 湿度越高,效果越好。
Recommended for use in the early stages of the disease. 建议在无病/疾病早期阶段使用。

Protection Against (防护)

Root Rot
Root Rot 软腐病
Botrytis 灰霉病
Fusarium Wilt
Fusarium 镰刀菌
Phytophtora 疫霉菌

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