Ken Microbes Biotech

Chrysoperla Carnea (Green Lacewing)


Chrysoperla carnea, also known as the green lacewing, is a highly effective predator of soft-bodied insects such as aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies, and scale insects. Both the larvae and adults are voracious feeders, with larvae being especially effective in pest control. C. carnea is commonly used in integrated pest management (IPM) programs, particularly in greenhouses and vegetable crops. This species is environmentally friendly, as it helps reduce the reliance on chemical pesticides, promoting sustainable agriculture and enhancing biodiversity.

Usage Instruction

Timing of Release

Release when pest populations are detected at an early stage.

Release Rates

Apply 2,000–5,000 lacewing egg per hectare for moderate pest infestations. For severe infestations, increase release rates proportionally.

Frequency of Release

Conduct releases at weekly intervals or as pest populations demand.
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Orientation: Keep containers upright to maintain larval viability.
Temperature: Store Chrysoperla carnea larvae in their original container at 8°C–10°C (46°F–50°F).
Usage Window: Use within 28 hours of receipt to maximize predation efficiency.

Handling Guidelines

Distribute lacewing egg evenly across the affected areas by gently sprinkling them onto foliage or applying them in small, shaded clusters.
Avoid exposure to direct sunlight or excessive heat during release to ensure viability.
Ensure no chemical pesticides are applied 3–5 days before and after release.

Protection Against

Red Spider Mites
Spider Mites

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