Ken Microbes Biotech

Mycorhizal Care (菌根真菌)

Active Ingredients (活性成分):

Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) | 丛枝菌根菌

Function (功能)

Mycorrhizal fungi helps the host directly absorb water and inorganic nutrients in the soil, such as N, P, K and other macro elements and some trace elements, by infecting the external root mycelia protruding from the root of the host plant, thereby promoting plant growth, increasing plant tolerance to root stress and disease, increase transplant survival rates, and reduce crop demand for fertilizers and pesticides. 菌根菌可藉由感染在寄主植物根部所伸出的根外菌丝,协助寄主直接吸收土壤中之水分及无机养分,如N、P、K 等大量元素和一些微量元素,进而促进植物生长,增加植物对逆境及根部病害之耐受力,提高移植存活率,降低 作物对肥料与农药的需求。

Usage Instruction (使用说明)

Seed inoculation method / 种子接种法:

Can fully mix Mycorhizal Care powder and planting medium at a medium volume ratio of 1kg: 50~60L, and then sow seeds into plug trays or pots. 采用穴盘或盆钵育苗者,可将固态之菌根菌与栽培介质约 1kg: 50-60L之介质体积比充分拌合 后,将种子播入穴盘或盆钵中。

Field direct inoculation method / 田间直接接种法:

Let the Mycorrhizal powder adhere to the root system of the seedlings before planting. 主要以配合幼苗定植时,将菌根菌沾附于幼苗根系后再行定。

Irrigation/fertigation / 土壤灌根:

2-3 kg/acre, apply once a month. 2-3公斤/英亩,每个月释用一次。
Mychorizal Care

Precautions (注意事项)

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Mycorhizal Care cannot be directly mixed with pesticides or chemical fertilizers. After opening, avoid rain or water infiltration to prevent deterioration. Please store in a cool place and avoid storing in places with high temperatures and sunlight. Use as soon as possible after opening. 菌种不宜直接与农药或化学肥料混合施用。开封后避免雨水或水份渗入,以防变质。请置于阴凉处保存,避免存 放于高温及日照之场所。开封后应尽速使用完毕。

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