Ken Microbes Biotech


Active Ingredients (活性成分):

Stabilized Phosphorus acids |稳定亚磷酸
Immune Boosters | 抗病因子

Function (功能)

When the plant is treated with this Plant Protect, the ‘Phosphorus acid’ in it can be absorbed by the leaves and roots of the plant, transported throughout the plant, and shows its anti-fungal function directly. At the same time, it activates the anti-disease defense system. When a pathogen attacks a plant, it stimulates the plant to produce plant defense substances, giving the plant the ability to fight disease. It has a good inhibitory effect against diseases such as Canker (Phytophthora), Downy Mildew and Downy Powder, and so on. 植物处理过这种植物保护剂后,其中的 ‘磷酸’ 可以被植物的叶子和根部吸收,传送到整个植物体内,直接表现其抗真菌功能。 同时激活抗病防御系统。 病原体攻击植物时,会刺激植物产生植物防御物质,使植物具有抗病能力。对溃疡病(疫霉)、霜霉和霜粉等病害具有良好抑制作用。

Usage Instruction (使用说明)

For spraying / 叶面喷施:

1kg to 600-1000 litres of water (Depending on the situation, the dosage can be increased in severe cases), use every 7-10 days. 1 公斤 600-1000 升水 (看植株情况而定,病情严重可加大剂量), 每7-10 天用一次。
For spraying, use 3kg for each acre once. 冲施每亩每次3 公斤;
For treating infected root and stem, dilute 100g to 20 litres of water. 用于治疗受感染的根和茎,将 100 克稀释至 20 升水;
For root, can spray or pour on the root. 对于根部,可以喷洒或浇在根部;
For stem, can brush on the infected area. 对于茎,可以刷在感染部位;
Plant Protect

Precautions (注意事项)

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Plant Protect has the ability to be mixed with various kinds of drugs, it can be mixed with copper products without causing any precipitate or damage from the drug; But it cannot be used together with poisons or strong alkali drugs. 树卫有很好的配伍性,可以与铜制剂混合一起使用,不会产生沉淀与毒害,但不能与强碱制剂使用;
It can be mixed with common microelement fertilizers (such as calcium sorbitol, calcium nitrate) easily, making it convenient to use. 亚磷酸钾可与常见的中微量元素肥料(如糖醇钙,硝酸钙等)任意混用,使用方便;

Protection Against (防护)

Canker Disease 溃疡病
Phytophtora 疫霉菌

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