Agroworld Magazine

-13 September 2019-

Today, Ken Microbes Biotech is pleased to receive an interview from Agroworld Magazine Publishers.

We explain the selection and production of local microbes or beneficial bacteria in various industries such as livestock, fisheries, sewage treatment and etc.

We also explain how to ‘trap’ useful local microbes, the process of verifying ‘safety level’, how to store and activate it. In terms of agriculture, we explain the importance and use of our storage microbes such as N Fixing, P Solubilizing, K Solubilizing, Bacillus Sp., Fungus, Streptomyces, Mycorrhizal and others in agriculture.

We also had the opportunity to provide a more in-depth understanding to the publisher of Agroworld Magazine regarding the processes / activities taking place in the laboratory, ‘scale-up’ and also provide a clear picture of the bioprocess operation process using Bioreactor.

This interview process went smoothly, we hope this interview can benefit users of Ken Microbes Biotech products and open the minds of new farmers who venture into biotechnology-based agriculture.